Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Parental Loss

 From Gloucester Daily Times
 Monday, October 31, 2005
To the editor:

It is with heavy heart that I attempt to pass on my thoughts to those families who have lost loved ones, particularly youth; fathers and mothers searching for the answers to why such a sad loss could come into their journey of raising children.

We bring them into our circle through a bond of love. We dry their tears when they cry. We bandage their wounds that come from rough-housing and play. We join with them in all their celebrations in their achievements. We also pray to our loving savior to keep them safe when they are away from us.

Parents do have the gift to embrace their children, but sadly they cannot totally control the detours of cruelty in this world through the rush of the media world and the peer pressures of mistaken friendships or even love.

Life can be so unpredictable. We try to reach out to our young, but the race of the clock has turned them away.

Is foolishness to blame? I do not know, but I do feel that there is a need to be able to bring to our young a better way of communicating. We see on nationwide television foolish acts, just so that promoters can make big bucks. The boob tube has put in the mind of many children and, yes, even adults, that we are invincible; we are not.

So, I guess what I'm trying to say is that I pray to God that these loving parents do not put all the guilt on themselves. To the children, teenagers or first-time parents, look to your mothers, fathers, aunts and uncles. They need and want to share their love and, more importantly, their wisdom with you.

I am proud to say that I am the proud uncle of more than 100 nieces and nephews and cousins. I am the only Todd with no children, but proud to be a stepfather. Most important, in my thoughts, the proper uncle. That title makes me the happiest person alive.

As a child, I was raised as a state ward, through no fault of my parents or family. I was in numberless homes, whipped in my last one, but I survived.

Had I been a child of today or teenager, I even question the outcome.

So, in closing, I urge the young people to seek out the advice that will lead them to a better life. Your grandparents, fathers and mothers have been through it all. Seek their wisdom and embrace their love.

Pete Todd



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