In Birthday m
In Birthday memory of Ida Marie Putaansuu Poetry by Peter Todd
In Birthday memory of “ Ida Marie Putaansuu “
Fifty-One years ago “Mom” clasped Jesus hand
To be gathered into Heaven’s renewal of life
Through earthly times of troubled sands
In my faith she abides within the great light
My book of teaching reaches my soul
To share with God what I could not see
For now as my years of wisdom starts to unfold
Of the pains of false love she is eternally free
In my heart she flies with the angels of God
Watching over our family through days and nights
Her embodiment is of the rainbow above the sod
That helps to make the load in my heart light
I leave this spent moment of my heart
In homage to all those families members of God’s promised land
Their gifts of love and the wisdom to impart
Will abide through the changing of the Hourglass sands
Poetry is the Vision of the Soul through the spirit of one’s soul
Colors United
Colors United Martin’s Dream By Peter Todd We search for colors to see
Such as the ocean’s and the hue of Liberty
There is still one outstanding color
That represents life and humans such as we
That of the color of blood Jesus shed
On that dark day that represents inhumanity
We see the color of purple its stature grand
Within the color Yellow of earths sand
Brown, Black, Red and Tan in Martin’s dream
United skins of colors of our Creator’s land
You see Martin dream is God’s reality
For all of his children bleed the same as he
Our Savior died on Faith’s Calvary’s tree
Lift up your voices high and pray to the Lord
Martin’s dream in truth reveals
Hatred of indifference is of the Devil’s sword
Poetry is the Vision of the Soul through the spirit of one’s soul
Inner Door
Inner Door Poetry by Peter ToddThe sands of time stopped on that tearful day
When my mother was freed from her imprisoned room
In my search of her being words of the unfaithful to say
That her life was of just a pitiful doom
Little did they know of this Special Mom, God’s treasure?
This lady with a heart that would melt like gold
A loving Soul by today’s standards beyond any measure
Of the true meaning of a mothers love to unfold
Trapped in a body filled with sickness and pain
Treated like a Leprosy or a invading germ
Many a days homeless through sunshine and rain
With trusting heart and a soul that burned
Jesus heard her cry to enter the inner door
As she begged her Savior to let her to be saved
From her earthly world of hate in her prison room explored
Now part of my heart and soul her life to me gave
Poetry is the Vision of the Soul through the spirit of one’s heart
Shredded but Whole
Shredded but WholePoetry by Peter Todd
In skies of blue I waiver near waters edge
All torn and cruelly tattered
My staff broken and splintered
The symbol of my honorable duty shuddered
I was spit on and lowly cursed
With words of hatred even by the young
Stepped on and kicked just like a ball
By teenagers out for a night of fun
They will not stop me I will fly even more
For I am the flag of freedom and glory
Through many treacherous land I have soured
The red blood of my stripes and each soldiers story
Just as the field of blue at oceans near
My white representing our countries faith
The stars of all our great states
Under God’s and below Heavens Golden Gates
Poetry is the Vision of the Soul through the spirit of one’s soul
Emailing: 000590.htm

Continuing to Look Back ~ Gloucester City Hall Memories from Peter Todd I am going to attempt to take you on a City Hall tour. Let us begin our journey from the top. Of course we have the City Hall Bell. While its date I am not sure of, but I do know it was a gift of Samuel Sawyer. I had the honor during my time as Custodian of City Hall to ring the bell. I requested permission from Mayor Bruce Tobey to be able to ring the bell at noon every day. I even figured out a way of stringing a rope all the way to the landing next to the Mayors office. I had the sad honor of ringing the bell thirty three times as Freddy Kyrouz's funeral procession left the Saint Ann's Church and reached City Hall on the Dale Avenue side. Traveling back to the tower and below the bell we have the four faces of the City Hall clock, which in these days is run by a small electric motor sitting on a large cast iron stand. One day I decided to see what was underneath this black stand, gifted again by Samuel Sawyer. I used three gallons of ammonia, along with degreaser and cold water. To my amazement this once black four-legged stand became a beautiful green painted stand with gold etchings. These etchings represented the four seasons of the year, one on each leg. It was also my distinct pleasure to climb up the tower several times.
One year when my granddaughter Ashley was small, she noticed that the Christmas lights were out in the round windows at the top. To make her happy we both ventured to climb to the top to fix the lights - mind you, the wind was blowing a gale and the tower was swaying - but this did not deter us from our mission. Moving down the stairs we come into the inner or upper sanctum of the Fred Kyrouz Auditorium. I remember each time I had to change a bulb it took one hundred turns of the crank for the globe to touch the hall floor. It would take about one hour to clean and change and put back each fixture. Speaking of fixtures, there was one time when a man came in to fix the clock above the rear of the Chamber. He told me not to worry, that it was run by a small motor just like the one in the Tower. We proceeded to climb to ladders, one on each side of the clock. Much to our surprise we found after unbolting the face, that it was made of solid marble, which accidentally dropped in our hands, just by our fingertips . Since this face weighed so much it was not long we were both in pain trying to hold it up from falling. The man and I began to holler for help, and eventually our hollering turned into screaming, but soon the DPW crew saved us. What a relief. So now to end this I must bring up one point of my history in City Hall. A couple years back there was a picture of a Marble Directory in the Times which was found, however it was found only after I saw this black slab in back of the City Hall Boiler. Upon cleaning it with ammonia, degreaser and scolding hot water, the reality of this directory was in full view, upon which I was able to slide this slab from the back of the furnace, to the entrance of the boiler room door, thus the picture in the paper. That's it for now, but I still have more to come. Posted December 31, 2004 11:25 AM
Emailing: 000651.htm

Continuing to Look Back ~ Railroad Avenue Memories from Peter Todd Well here we are again tracing back on the imprints of my pages of time. With all the work going on and around the Gloucester Depot I have to add my thoughts. First the new building does not look anything like the former Gloucester Depot. The original was set back further with the rear of the building abutting the paved walkway that is there now. The taxi cabs that you now see crowding out the cars that want to go into Shaw's parking lot ,which was once a railroad freight yard. Trains would almost be in the back yard of the people that lived on Maplewood Avenue. Taxi cabs back then parked backed in to abut the paved walkway of the depot. Passengers would park their cars up against the fenced in area behind the Depot Cafe as well as where the new Condo now stands. Gloucester Auto bus would make their stop along the back of Babe Whalen's gas station.The Texaco Station is located there now. Where Sheep's Auto parts is once stood a Stud Dealership . I'm not sure but I believe Elliott Parsons and one of the Carr brothers ran it. Of course we also had the infamous Station Lunch, greatest meals around at that time. Where all the tearing up is going on across the tracks was Neuse's Lumber Yard. The most memorable for me was working my Shoe Shine Stand at the Depot. I also remember my Dad as he would go to mug up at Station Lunch when he worked as a track man for the Boston & Maine Railroad. Where Ryan's Car Wash stands once stood Welch's Jenny Station. Up the street was the Harbor Cafe, which is now the Rendezvous, and in my youth, next to that was The Clam Shell, which if I remember right was later Aleve Radio & Television Repair. Yankee Taxi was around the corner of Washington Street & Railroad Ave, and Dora Dickson had her one cab , which was always parked on the corner of Mrs. Sloan's house on the corner of Commonwealth Ave. Back then there were very little traffic jams. Taxi cabs were parked in easy to access areas without impeding the public or drivers. Gives Gas Station was on the corner of Exchange Street and Nelson's Candy was on the opposite. So I guess that's about it for now . A little bit of my past imprints in the book of time. In closing it is my feeling that the city should adopt some of the parking requirements that these Taxi companies adhered to . Posted May 13, 2005 09:06 AM
Emailing: 000696.htm

Continuing to Look Back ~ Traversing Pleasant & Main Streets Memories from Peter Todd At this time we see the corner of Main & Pleasant as a total emptying of store fronts. This corner in years past was one of the busiest in Gloucester. In my time it was Sterlings Drugstore. It was managed by Jerry & Gordon Wiener. To this day I can remember Mrs. Johnson cutting me a big piece of squash pie, with a heaping spoonful of Sealtest chocolate ice cream. I can recall how in my youth the counter was so large. The people who worked at the Drugstore were very kind to the children of the area. In walking around the corner upward on Pleasant St. there was Gloucester Camera and Photo, which later became a part of my Masonic Journey in the pages of time. Where the Artist Galleries are now located was the Western Union, managed by Mr. & Mrs. Howard Costa. I can also envision where Browns Mall is. The William G.Brown Department Store. Who could ever imagine that there would be so many condominiums within that building. I remember the most, the little restaurant in the department store. Contrary to popular belief it was located beneath the spot where the Savory Skillet is located now. I can even now hear in my mind the sounds of the sales papers being routed through the air tubes that were located all over the store. In going out of the building on the Pleasant Street side I can also remember Santa's Village, located between the Salvation Army and Browns Department Store. In particular in recalling the Salvation Army, when we were small we would go there to be given shoes to wear, and clothing to keep us warm . I can also remember each Christmas party at the Elks on Pleasant Street when we were treated to a Christmas Party with all the fixings, including Winter and Rain coats and hats gifted from Mighty Mac. Woolworth's was located on the corner of Pleasant & Mains Street heading down toward where Dunkin Donuts is. Where the Police Station now is located there used to be Gorin's, which later became Almys Department store. The Police Station was located on Duncan St., next to the Fishermen's Institute, which by the way I and my family had the honor of cleaning before they tore it down. You see the agreement was we were only to clean up to the second floor as they were going to tear out the third, however as we finished the second floor some of the fishermen proceeded to lug their things from the third floor down to the second. So it was decided the building had to go. Well that's it for now , I will try to shake the brain for more interesting imprints of my youth and teenage years. Posted July 11, 2005 05:38 AM
Emailing: 000749.htm

Continuing to Look Back ~ Gloucester Taxis Memories from Peter Todd In this issue, rather than traveling from corner to corner, we will attempt to seek out the in-between taxis of today and of yesterday. Well let us begin our journey by hailing a ride from the newest company of these days. A&K Lighthouse Taxi. Andy & Kathleen Pastagal�s clean and well-maintained cabs. The meter is on; the windshield is clean and clear, so let us begin. The year is 1953. Instead of coming home from the state in a state officer's car, we arrive in a Lighthouse Taxi. On crossing the railroad tracks we pass Gove�s Gulf Station, which was next to Reilly Pontiac & Cadillac. Our new home is going to be above the Stewart Family at 124 Washington St. The first taxi we come too belongs to Dora Nickerson. It is a 1947 Plymouth four door sedan. Dora waves to us as we continue our journey. Across from the Harbor Caf� and in back of Dave Spittle�s Coffee Shop is the Gloucester Depot. Backed into the walkway are at least eight checker or Chevy cabs. Their trunks and doors open, awaiting the passengers that are about to embark off the train. Sadly I can also recall the other end of the Depot, where the steel wheeled wagons would also await the brave soldiers bodies killed in action, each casket covered with the flag of their country that they died for. I can also recall Mayor Beatrice Corliss meeting the family members. Upon continuing our journey and with the meter clicking we go to the West end of Main Street. There is our next taxi company, owned and operated by the Morando Family. These two were Chevy and Checker cabs. Joe always demanded clean cabs and honest drivers. He also maintained each vehicle to the best degree of standards. Traveling around to Rogers Street and at its end was Thurston�s Motors and Taxi, across from The Anchor Caf�. On the easterly part of Main Street there was Turk Souza�s Taxi, whose office sat in the basement next to Horatio's. On top of Union Hill was Brown�s Livery and Taxi. And at one time at the bottom of Mount Vernon St. was Central Taxi, and another was Hubby Mitchell�s Taxi. Our last one was Rosie�s Taxi, owned and operated by Clarence Rose, which later became Madruga�s Taxi and Livery and later Sunrise Transportation. I remember when it was Rosie�s mostly because you had to climb a number of steps to get into the office. In later years Clarence became more interested in junking. Across from Rosie�s Taxi was Captain Bills Seafood, which moved to the lower west end, a couple doors down from Fat Walla�s and just about where the Blackburn Tavern is located, and on that corner in a little shop was Randazza Brothers Shoe Shine Stand. Well returning back to our taxi because the meter is clicking away we are at the end of our journey. However, I did forget to mention Yankee Taxi owned and operated by Matt Amaral. There are many more Taxiss of Cape Ann Past such as Horton�s Taxi of Rockport or Pete�s Taxi of Ipswich, most have one thing in common, or at least in the past, they were well maintained, clean, and the drivers were kind and receptive to their passengers. In closing I am not going to recommend on what Taxi to take, let your eye be the first judge, then let your mind be the second. Gloucester now has one new Taxi, and one not so new. One company I have to mention is Atlantic Taxi. Then it was owned by the Lane Family who tried to keep up with the traditions of a well grounded service , and they should be honored for doing so, just as Mr. Lagallo in true wisdom should follow that tradition. They are managed by hard working individuals. It is my belief that these taxis should be inspected at least quarterly and by the looks of some of our public transportation I begin to question on just who is responsible for seeing that the safety of each passenger is taken into full consideration. That�s it for now; our journey is at its end. The driver was both kind and receptive. Our cab was clean and its yellow hue certainly captures a vision of our taxis and their historic past. These writings are in honor of Clarence Rose, Hubby Michell, Ralph Brown, Joe Morando, Dora Nickerson , Olie Anderson , The Hildonons, The Thurstons and all past owners and drivers. Posted September 7, 2005 06:34 AM
Upon the Shoulders o
Upon the Shoulders of FaithBy Noble & Brother Peter A. Todd 02/27/2004
Standing proud with outstretched arms
He reaches out to provide for the girls and boys
Telling them to have no fear of any harm
As he gives them each a special toy
Comforting them of the pain in their bodies
As they settle them into the Shriner’s vans seat
Carrying them into the Shriner Hospital lobby
With their nurses and doctors to greet
This is the pride and reward that Shriner’s live
To give new hope to every patient they see
It is the challenge for every Shriner to give
Each a complete and successful recovery
The road of recovery must be fast
It is made smoother by the Transportation Fund
It could be a Van, Airplane , Train or Jet Flight cast
That performs this journey of angels begun
Tree of Light
Tree of LightIllumination of FaithEmbraced in spirit of Christmas Holidays of the pastWe think of those who are now in the presence of GodWho’s love and protection in our childhood was castWhile they guided our ways along earths sodThis Tree of Light is the illumination of our FaithThe very emblem on which a family growsIts branches spreading and reaching to embraceEach of our hearts and soulsEach bulb that is lit represents undying loveFor the blessings of each person who receivedThat of which is now showered from Heaven aboveThis is the gift of our Faith to always believeAs this Tree of Light illuminates the Holiday SeasonMay its afterglow always remain in your heartsIn this spirit we will pass on the treasure of pleasingThe gift of Life we should always impart
The Words of life
The Words of lifeGift to North Shore Bible ChurchOn this beautiful and wonderful dayWe celebrate our second step beyondThe road of Faith and praises to sayIn prayer and thoughtful psalmsFor the bible is our teacherIn All our journeys in lifeIt’s the true words and providerThat guides our Christian lifeWe give you Jesus the praise and gloryFor the gift of our salvation you gaveFor we know in those biblical storiesIt is through you we are savedWe also give praise this new dayFor our new meeting place we’ve been blessedWe know that is was through the prayers we sayWe are gifted with our New Church a touch of your caress
The Train depot
The Train depotLooking at my memories of the pastGloucester’s Train Depot comes to my mindOf the many friendships to lastSome today so hard to findThe Shoe Shine stand I worked each dayWith customers of the city and Hollywood fameSuch as Mayor Corliss with words of wisdom to sayArthur Godfrey, Roger W. Babson just two by nameThe Ticket man, Roger Edwards a true friendBunny at the Newspaper Stand with the candy he gaveSophie Tucker who once in a while dropped by to lendA few words of encouragement to saveThe trains they come, and then pass me byWith passengers from all life works of lifeBut the greatest of these were of my prayers to God on highThat in childhood was cut from me like a knifeMy dear mother returned it was not a dreamThat I lived through the first ten years of my youthThe crying has ended and so has the screamsAt last at this depot I have learned the truth
The Passing of The G
The Passing of The GavelBy Peter A. ToddWe give you the praise Dear GodFor the history we were privileged to witness this nightOf the many Friends and Brethren of these LodgesThat these obligations of Mason’s uniteWe also give you thanks as each gavel is passed onTo the leaders of Freemasonry of tomorrowThat will in faith make us known and strongEven in times of troubles and its sorrowsTo house Fraternalism at its bestBrother’s who in time of need that were always thereTo meet each challenge and new quests Dear God we pray for the victims of September 11thWhom some were brother Mason’sWe know they now abide in your HeavenThe promise gained from the Great Architects creations
The Promise
The PromiseIn the presence of loved ones and friendsWe gather to commit our belovedFor in our faith we know his spirit ascendsTo be re-united with brothers father and motherWe also in our faith know the bonds will never be brokenFor it is the promise of Jesus we will receive a new lifeThese are the words of bible repeatedly spokenThis is the journey that starts within the heavens brightFor unto the sod we commit his earthly remainsAs is instructed in the great book divineThrough our faith we know a new body in Christ he’s gainedIn God’s great Heaven where there is no darkness or timeIn Christian FaithPeter
The Inner Soul of Po
The Inner Soul of PoetryBy Peter A. Todd 4/03/03Words are but simple thoughtsUnless they are born of the heart and soulOf money Poetry can’t be boughtIt’s the inner being of my existence unfoldThey can be short like the shutting off lightOr be like a pebble rippling in streamDescribing our fears of the nightOr the passing on of a wonderful dreamIt’s the finality of a loving touchAs two lovers walk along the golden sandOr the walking trails in woodland roughJoined in grace by the touch of God’s handPoetry is like the whispering windsThat cleanses the path of lifeIt’s free of any violence or sinsIt’s the reflection of Heavens lightSo my inner being is the reality of faithThat my heritage passed into my soulTruly the words of the heart are of God’s graceIt’s the reflection of our Savior to soon unfold
The Fisherman
The FishermanWatching over our boats night and dayWith his hands at the ships wheelA statue of Faith for the fishermen of todayWith eyes fixed like glistened steelMany a seasons storms have passed bySince he was dedicated on our shoreThrough raging storms and sunlit skiesThe Fisherman has done his choreOur sands of time have taken its tollFrom the great statue of our seasLike the many stories of Noah often toldOur Fisherman sets the spirit within us freeThe words that are etched below his feetSo true to the fishermen in many waysWhen the sands of time are stilled we’ll meetThose we have lost from the oceans grave
The Closet
The ClosetThis dream I dream is from the pastOf my punishment of doing wrongFrom the years of my youth in darkness castThose many lonely hours longIn my prison I could hear my heart beatEven through the tears I so often shedMy pounding at the door to be releasedMy fingers scraped to a bloody redThen listening to the yelling and screamingFrom those people who were supposed to give me loveYet! through their greed they gave me bad dreamsLike being buried under their feet abovePlease let me out of this cold dark gaveThat I have been forced to stay in for hoursI’ll do as you say and work my wayFor I now know I am your slave under your power.
Thanksgiving Greetin
Thanksgiving GreetingsIt is the day for loved ones to gather far or nearTo celebrate for all that life has gaveTo be with the our family we love so dearA treasured time in our memories to saveThe helping to prepare for the Thanksgiving mealBy setting the dishes in their proper placesOld friendships sought and new ones revealedThis is one of the days true embracesFamily and friends with their heads bowed in prayerGiving thanks for this wonderful dayWishing them a safe journeys home to all who sharedIn the happiness had in our memories to stayFor at the time this day does endThere’s a wonderful scene for all eyes to seeThat of the children with prayers to sendOn what they would like their Christmas to be
FiestaReunion of FaithThe smell of food cooking and filling the airSounds of laughter from the children’s gleeThe babies in their carriages with eye’s a’ glareA time for families to fill the needOf sharing their faith during this celebration in time Of “Saint Peter” The great fisherman of the seaFamilies once more reunited in embrace to findMemories of what years ago used to be Fiesta is and always will be a time of FaithThat the Fishermen and their boats are blessedSo that the nets will bring a bountiful greatFrom beneath the seas created by God’s caressIn these moments of Faith we must join in handIn singing of Praise to this great guardian of the seaWho for year upon year is celebrated in Grand?For the richness we have in Life’s Victory’s
Shriner’sBy Wor.Peter A. ToddWith outstretched arms and open handThey reach out to heal burned or crippled youthFreemason’s who serve throughout the landMen of dedication with the needs of others at its rootsChildren have no fear of these great menWho wear these funny red hats.They know that the wounds will soon mendFor it is the greatest of hospitals they are atA staff of medical profession of the bestTo take care of every want or needMedical equipment that perform great testsNurses that care for each child to feedFor every dollar of donations receivedConstant research and healing is done everydaySo that the pain and suffering is relievedFor these children to return to their normal play
SecretsWords whispered in silenceMotions timelessly madeWalking in various circled dimensionsHistory’s parchment revered and gaveThe redness in the eyes searching in vainWanting the cries to end that never perishTo be gathered in my soul and wanedSecrets never ending words that quickly flashBefore my mind and open earsVisions of my Heritage of years pastBy nights dreamed horrified and fearedNow walking upon my level of timeEncircled by passions and desiresDrenched with those secrets of mindThat within my heart and soul inquiresFor now I need not to askThe secrets have been revealedIn glory I absorb nourish and baskIn these promises of life sealed
ScenesAs I awake with the morning sunOne cannot help to view with aweThe wonderful gift received of oneThat only my heart and soul sawSuch as the bright blue skyAmid the puffy clouds of whiteThe green grass in fields wideTo my eyes a wondrous sightThe vastness of our lakes and streamsOn stretches of Golden shoresFresh flowers blown in the breezeThis beauty given by God to exploreTime will come and it soon will beI will see the most treasured sightHe resides in Heaven so peaceful and freeAmong loved ones lost now within his hallowed light
Rockports Back Beach
Rockport’s Back BeachBy Peter A. Todd 7/7/2003Hidden along the winding streetsIs Rockport’s gift from GodThe golden sands of its back beachA tourist’s journey of a beautiful pilchardThe boats in view of small and bigger craftsThe swimmers both young and matureWhat greater gift from God’s could one askThan the beauty of magnificent raptureThe washing of the sands by the incoming tideErasing the imprints of adults and youthReplaced by the seas new creature to abideWithin the beauty of earth and the sands of times rootsBeauty is truly in the eyes of the beholderThis is why the tourists return each yearThe artists stoke even enrich it more bolderThrough the caress of the brush it’s visions clear
RemembranceAt this time we reflect upon the pastIn memory of many thoughts and deedsOf those who have given Love that will lastUntil this mortal earth we leaveFor time is but a brittle thread in spaceThat we are given by our Creator to shareWith all God’s creatures of God’s will and graceAnd this earthly body to wearOur memories are cast in our heartsOf a year in time raged with painThe thoughts of their courage will never partIt will be with us in our journey of life to remainUpon placing these flowers at the gravesGive thanks to the Lord for their loveThe heroism of both soldiers and citizens who gaveAbide with our Creator in his many Mansions above
Reflections of the H
Reflections of the Hourglass of TimeBy Peter A. Todd
At the peak of May natures flowers grow
From the showers of God’s rain
In our minds past memories flow
Of the Love from time past gained
We think of all fighting of the women and men
Who fought and died over foreign land and sea
A reflection of the Hourglass never to end
For these brave that gave their lives for our Liberty
We also reflect upon the sands of time
Of memories of those who now abide with God
They live in the hearts of those left behind
To continue their heritage on earths sod
The Sand of the Hourglass quickly flow
Telling us that time is more precious than gold
It’s a mirrored reflection that won’t let you go
Until the blessing of God’s eternal peace unfolds
Rainbows Quest
Rainbow’s QuestBy Peter A. Todd 1/12/2003The Journey of a Rainbow Girl is guided by FaithIn the Lessons through its BowIt is one of Hope and challenges greatOf the wisdom of young ladies of the past to knowEach step you have taken has been a reflection of your loveThat you have chosen with others to shareIt will be a journey that has been guided by God aboveFor the kindness of your thoughtful careNow dressed in the purity of your snow white gown“Young Lady “ you stand where many have stood beforeWho were proud to wear the Worthy Advisors crownBut none could have more pride than your Family you adoreLook well to the East and hold your head highFor you represent the future of those you now will leadUnder the Seven Colors of the Rainbow highFrom Rainbow Girls of the past, who have planted its seed.
Question’sWe question in prayer why it was to be That such a horrific act took place Were we not as Americans born freeA country that has held glory and honor greatWho is to blame for the taking of live,sIs it the ignorance of many demonic mindsThat caused the loss of families husbands and wivesFrom a so called religious sect gone blindAmerica must always stand readyTo face each of life’s rugged roadsWe must hold to our Faith’s strong and steadyFor the burden to carry is a heavy loadYes! We can be proud of our Old GloryBut! The gift of our creator must never be denied This is our heritage from times storyUnited as we are Victory is nigh
Past Present Future
Past Present FutureThoughts of mind for my fellow beingInspirations of my life worthwhile seeingFaith in my God from body and soulCombined together with Heavens glowThe love of my wife and family withinDenying of all earthly sinsLove that is bonded in the promise of GodAs we tread our tasks on his earthly sodSharing with nature and its beauty of viewThe scent of Heaven combined with earthly dewThese are the gifts we are able to shareUnder God’s watchful eye and tender careThe age I soon am , the youth of my heartThese feelings in my soul I want never to partThe Temple of my being in inner soulThe beauty of age as before me it unfoldsFor we are not to question what is to beWe must live our life to the fullest for theeWhen my time comes that I will at last see God’s faceMay he accept my soul as my eternal home I will embrace
Nightmare or Truth
Nightmare or TruthBy Peter A. Todd 3/21/2003It was a cold winters night and all was stillI can see it clearly but it seems to be a dreamI’m out with the guys with good time to kill In my head are deafening screamsI volunteered to drive as I only drank a fewOr in truth could it have been threeWho’s counting were just out for a good timeIf only these sounds in my head would leave meIt’s beginning to get real hazy and coldThe streets seem to be turning to iceBut I am a good driver in full controlI’m known as a friend to be trusted and brightI believe we left the last bar nine or tenWho really cares were just out for funThis were having with my drinks I begin to blendOh! My God what’s that blurred figure before meIt’s a mother and child crossing the streetPlease help me I’m so dizzy I can’t seeTo even put on the brake with my feetBut it’s to late they are gone from sightDam! All I can hear is their deathly screamsWho do they think they are out at this time of the night?Maybe this is just a foolish bad dreamWell things are quite now my friends are back with meBut tell me Lord why from their lips are there no sounds I now lay at peace with these flowers circling free As they lower my casket into the groundWait! in the corner above my grave I see a young father staring at meWhy does he look with such hatred in his eyesI was just out with guys for a good time I’ve craved IS THIS WHAT LIES AHEAD IN HELL FOR ALL ETERNITY
Nightmare or Reality
Nightmare or RealityI sit and stare through window wideAsking myself why this is happening to me?Have my Mom and Dad really died?Why won’t they let me free?I miss the last home I was inWhy was I shoved out the door?When can I have a lasting friend?Why can’t I have my own cat or dog to adore?The crying and screaming are scaring meWhy it’s the reflection of my own tears I seeIf only the lady would take my handTo go to another home would be so grandI guess I’ll go back to sleepTo return to my peaceful dreams deepResting again in my mothers armsAs she keeps me away from all these fears and harm
Night Fright
Night Fright2/27/88I look back as if it were just yesterdayFor that night will never be erased from my mindThe vehicle that was headed straight for us As if its driver had just become blindIt smashed into us with tremendous impactSo much it tore and imbedded our skinTo the metal of the dashboard in fact Of our vehicle we were heading to home inBut that was the least of our sorrowsAs I now tried to now burst open the doorsIn my mind I asked will there be a tomorrow?For the family I so loved and adoredMy wife her face now covered with blood and glassWho in their right mind could do such a sin?The answers were not far to be found in factFrom the condition the other driver was inThe driver had no concern for my family maimedAll that he wanted was the bottle withinTo escape the trouble that he was now in So ! You might say to yourself ,What do I care?Such an event could never happen to meMy Friends you should always be awareWhat is around the next corner or beyond the next treeThe DRUNKEN DRIVER has no BRAINSIt has been consumed by all they drankSo if you go out I hope you will refrainYou will have your loved ones thanksIt does not matter the time of yearOr whether it be day or nightEven if your home is far or nearYou must keep your mind of clear sightHave a safe and prosperous New YearNot a time of unwanted pain and fright
Mother Temp
Mother TempAs I wander through my mind of memoriesOne special lady comes to my mindThis kind lady that the word love definesWho in my growing years was so kind to me She has taken me from home to homeThrough my childhood in life to roamWiping away my face to dry my tearsFreeing me of all doubts and fearsStanding tall watching allOf God’s children so tender and smallA thankless duty but never to askFavors for her any of her life long tasksNumberless families she did aideA gift of her God she was gave Dear Lady of my young lifeI thank you for the protection from all strifeDedicated to Mrs. Lennihan
Lost Souls
Lost SoulsThe streets are filled with young lost soulsWho fill their bodies with drugsTeens that will not see their years of goldOnly the grave they themselves have dugA senseless waste of mankindYet ! It is true if they are taught rightOf the curse of drugs they would not be blindWe would not hear their screams in the nightDrugs can be found in many formsOf which cocaine is the worstIt can take the life of a newbornTruly it is of the demons curseThe most deadly of them all Is the needle that feeds the veinFor it may be the Teen or childThat this sin against God fries the brain
Little Child
Little ChildLittle child walk with meLet me show you a gift from GodIt is ours since times birthHeave’s skies and Earths green sodPlease take my hand walk with by my sideThrough God’s wonders we will strideLook to the mountains so high aboveBehold all the colors of the rainbows loveMiles of beaches of golden sandWith the mighty ocean abiding its handThe sprinkling of rain helping flowers growStretched afar on our earth belowThe churches some small, others large with steeplesIn my prayers to be filled with many peopleMy child this is your gift from God aboveTreasure this knowledge this is my message of true love
Kent Circles Celebra
Kent Circle’s CelebrationSanta’s parade has now reached its destinationSo that we may gather together in praise and songTo Celebrate the Kent Circle’s IlluminationAs so many have in years long goneThis tree represents the gathering of FaithIn all of Gloucester’s families renewedFor this is the time for children that’s greatA time for dreamed fancy’s to come trueLet us lift our voices to our starlit skyTo sing the praises of Christmas and all its joysFor truly we celebrate the birth of Jesus nighIn the love we have for all our girls and boysFrom Nova Scotia to our cities shoreWe are united in the illumination of our trees lightIn vision of what together our future has in storeBy this combined celebration of a true family night.
Inner Answers
Inner AnswersYou seek the answers of manHis being and inner soulYou know not of his plansAs time before you unfoldsThe answer is in all you seeThat lies in the path of lightBelieve in him to be spirit free It will teach you what is rightFor before you are many thingsThat your God has given youIt makes one want to praise and sing Of all the blessings that have come trueMy child life is the very air we breathThe natural sight before your eyes These facts of life exist if you believeIn the promise of Jesus and his Heaven’s high
Heritages Honor Roll
Heritage’s Honor RollOur city can be proud this day of praiseAs we celebrate its heritage etched in stone For their names are not forgotten of the oceans graveTo Gloucester’s youth this will now become knownHow fitting it is that these tablets set at our shoreSurround our fisherman of Gloucester’s fameFor all those who come to honor and exploreTheir heritage at birth from each of their namesWe can vision the fishermen as they cast their netsIn the vast seas of waters that are far from tame By this memorial we will never forgetFor they are now immortalized in historic fameBe proud of what you witness this day of Gods restFor these fishermen did not die in vainWe give thanks to God in Jesus name Those we honor today were Gloucester’s best
Dog Town
Dog TownAs I stroll along its wooded pathI view with amazement at Dog Town’s reflectionsOf how all Mother Natures leaves amassIts various and beautiful colors blended to perfectionGod’s great creatures dashing aroundMaking ready for a long winters sleepBirds up and flying southward boundThose left behind building nests to keepYou can feel the history of Dog Town in the airAs you view each cellar and heart nature’s soundsWe must take heed to treat it with great careOf all God’s wonderful creature’s aboundSo as the first snow begins to fallTake a last look at Dog Towns open spaceAppreciate the winters cleansing in whiteness allThat God has given us to embrace
GloucesterI take my stroll by the oceans sandAmazed by how the tide smoothes the shoreTaking pictures of the Man at the WheelPaying a quarter for the harbor to exploreCatching my breath as I admire such sitesAs the Lighthouse beyond Ten Pound IslandOr the majesty of Hammond’s castle at nightOr our golden beaches to bask onThe oceans wave pounding the back shoreWith the mists of the sea spraying each passerbyThe Universalist Church with its historical steepleAs its glowing beacon guides ships through foggy skiesThe fishing boats and Lobster boats tied to each dockMaking ready their nets and traps for the next trip outDogtown Common with all its trails and historic rocksStagefort Park and its happy families of cries and shoutsThe Joan of Ark statue and Roger’s memorial stoneAll the murals inside City HallThe name of Lost Fishermen , loved ones ownThis my friends is the city my memory recalls
“Friendship”By Peter A. Todd 02/19/2004Shared times of happiness and concerns
Secrets that each would never tell others
New lessons in life’s path for each to learn
Treating each other like a sister or brother
Knowing that borrowed items will come back
Or a timely call to check on their welfare
Keeping each other on the right track
A relationship filled with love and care
Soul mates through trials and tribulations
Asking for protection of each other in prayer
For true friends are the gift of our Father of creation
On this Level of time in trouble to be there
Letting any mistakes of the day die with the past
Treasuring time before the sands of the new tide
For before you know it the scythe is cast
And Friendships are lost in the blink of an eye
Freedoms Voices
Freedoms VoicesBy Peter A. Todd 7/3/03Listen if you will as the parade beginsTo the voices of children in cheerful songIt’s in honor in anthem of our flag they singOf this our free country in which they belongMarching through the streets in dignity and prideDemonstrating the feelings they so eagerly want to shareFor the celebration of the Independence in each heart to abideFor all our beloved Gloucester in witness to bareWe honor the men and women who fought up to this dayWho have died here on land and overseas?For this parade of Freedom’s Voices Is to thank both the living and our heritage for our LibertyFloats of Freedom, Religion and songExpressing each of their challenges in full viewWinding through people who’ve gathered in throngsTo see this Parade of Independence and hear its voices of Freedom too.
Foundation of life
Foundation of lifeA house to me is many thingsOne is the Foundation of lifeTo all inside it will bringWarmth from the fireside brightThere are rooms of many colorsPainted to the desires of eachA family of many sisters and brothersThat through dedication they will teachThe lessons of life that each offspring needsWhen they leave the shelter of their home To carry on with each of their chosen deedsSuch as building a home of their ownA home is a special treasureThat through time all should shareA good time of happiness and pleasuresIn this our foundation of love and care
Footbridge of Life
Footbridge of LifeThe oceans tide is a reflection of lifeAs our night are turned into daysYoung people with their hands clung tightSearching their hearts for the words to sayChildren running and playing along the beachBuilding Sand Castles of their dreamsThe elders crossing the bridge at days peakMirrored by the evenings moonlight gleamThe ocean reaching into the shadowed sandsErasing the footprints along its wayNights glistening moon a mirror of God’s handThe Footbridge crosses the sands of timeThat we in our hearts must not ignoreWe must treasure life for all that it holdsFor its in its passing we gain Heaven’s shore
First to Lead First
First to Lead, First in PeaceBy Peter A Todd 2/12/2004We pay homage to a great and Patriotic manWho first led our Nation into peaceA man and brother guided by God’s planThat all pain and suffering be relievedTrue to his word he guided our nationInto one of the greatest foundations of LibertyNever forgetting his Father of creationAnd his love of Mount Vernon and his familyNever to be erased, this man of Faiths creedFor he shall live in our hearts and mindsGeorge Washington was the First PresidentThat created our countries Freedoms now definedA Master of our craft equal on the Level of timeTo all who were gifted to share in his deedsWithin our Circle of Brothers today we findHis reflection in the Master of each Lodge who Lead
FiestaReunion of FaithThe smell of food cooking and filling the airSounds of laughter from the children’s gleeThe babies in their carriages with eye’s a’ glareA time for families to fill the needOf sharing their faith during this celebration in time Of “Saint Peter” The great fisherman of the seaFamilies once more reunited in embrace to findMemories of what years ago used to be Fiesta is and always will be a time of FaithThat the Fishermen and their boats are blessedSo that the nets will bring a bountiful greatFrom beneath the seas created by God’s caressIn these moments of Faith we must join in handIn singing of Praise to this great guardian of the seaWho for year upon year is celebrated in Grand?For the richness we have in Life’s Victory’s
Easter Reflections
Easter ReflectionsIn hopes of the day embodied with God’s embraceOf a sky filled with variations of blueTiny clouds of white gently puffedThe vision of my soul to come trueThe echo of the church bells filling the airThe seekers of light entering inLadies dressed as if they were in Vanity FairFamilies listening to the words of God withinChildren after church running about in playSearching for the brightly colored eggsLoved ones embracing the reflection of the dayThat Jesus arose from the deadHow fitting it is that we celebrate with our youthIn combination of reality and dreamsWas it not he that said ‘Let the children draw near”This is what to me Easter Day meansSharing together with our children this dayA time that will give them the real meaning of lifeIn the words of the bible and in our heart to stayThat he is the way to the promised new life
Easter Greetings
Easter GreetingsEaster Sunday once again comes our wayA time of children at laughter and playAs they search on their knees for Easter EggsLarge and small, pink blue and redsDressing up neat and cleanWith colors that make their eyes gleamGirls in there pretty pink dressesBoys trying to look smart and impressive It is also a day for all Christian’s to take heedFrom every Nation and every creedIt is time to give thanks to our Almighty GodFor our Lord Jesus who once walked earth’s sodOn this day he arose from the graveHis blood he shed that we may be savedHe is with his Father in Heaven above Where our Creator blesses us with his divine loveHappy Easter Peter A. Todd
Easter Greetings
Easter GreetingsBy Peter A. ToddWe reflect upon three days in timeOur Lord and Savior layWithin the tomb the Bible definesWhere the rock was rolled awayJesus gave up his earthly lifeWith all our sins to bareSo that we may in Faith see the LightOf the promise he gave all to shareWe give you the Praise and Glory dear GodFor all the gifts in life given to careSuch as the children that now search your sodFor all the Easter eggs and candy to shareLet the Church bells ring in chorus highAs we praise thee for the sacrifice Jesus madeThat within his path we will have everlasting lifeThrough turning to Jesus we are saved
Faces in my Youth
Face’s in my YouthSearching my mind of youthful days pastBrings many face’s from my pages of time Mayor Beatrice Corliss her impression castPierce N Hodgkins a councilor, and leader definedFreddy Kyrouz a man of compassion and careOr Nick at the Pool Room keeping kids of the streetsGordon and Jerry at Sterling’s with prices fairTheir Aunt, a true treasure in my mind to keepBig Jake the Policeman. My guardian at nightJack Cronin my true street dadReverend Forrest Clark my guiding lightThese were my friends that I was privileged to have Now through age my life is at centerWe again have a lady that is running for the chairIt is my hope that she will inherit the wisdom of my mentorsBy being a leader of Compassion and care.Peter A. Todd 2/3/01
Dog Town
Dog TownAs I stroll along its wooded pathI view with amazement at Dog Town’s reflectionsOf how all Mother Natures leaves amassIts various and beautiful colors blended to perfectionGod’s great creatures dashing aroundMaking ready for a long winters sleepBirds up and flying southward boundThose left behind building nests to keepYou can feel the history of Dog Town in the airAs you view each cellar and heart nature’s soundsWe must take heed to treat it with great careOf all God’s wonderful creature’s aboundSo as the first snow begins to fallTake a last look at Dog Towns open spaceAppreciate the winters cleansing in whiteness allThat God has given us to embrace
Helping Hands Reachi
Helping Hands Reaching HeartsBy Peter A. Todd 8/10/2003With your hands you demonstrated careFor the safety of all the children you metIn this challenge the Love in hearts was sharedFor this each child’s parent or guardian has no regretThe trust could be seen in each child’s eyesAs you gently held their hands and tended to the choreOf giving them words of the wiseIn their memories to treasure and storeIn these days of shadows and veils of tearsIt is hard for children to be awareThrough your devotion you have taken away fearReplacing it by your loving hands of careMy precious God has truly blessed these daysBy sending to the children people like youThrough this journey in our sands of time I prayThat all your challenges for a better life come true
Heritages Honor Roll
Heritage’s Honor RollOur city can be proud this day of praiseAs we celebrate its heritage etched in stone For their names are not forgotten of the oceans graveTo Gloucester’s youth this will now become knownHow fitting it is that these tablets set at our shoreSurround our fisherman of Gloucester’s fameFor all those who come to honor and exploreTheir heritage at birth from each of their namesWe can vision the fishermen as they cast their netsIn the vast seas of waters that are far from tame By this memorial we will never forgetFor they are now immortalized in historic fameBe proud of what you witness this day of Gods restFor these fishermen did not die in vainWe give thanks to God in Jesus name Those we honor today were Gloucester’s best
Lost Souls
Lost SoulsThe streets are filled with young lost soulsWho fill their bodies with drugsTeens that will not see their years of goldOnly the grave they themselves have dugA senseless waste of mankindYet ! It is true if they are taught rightOf the curse of drugs they would not be blindWe would not hear their screams in the nightDrugs can be found in many formsOf which cocaine is the worstIt can take the life of a newbornTruly it is of the demons curseThe most deadly of them all Is the needle that feeds the veinFor it may be the Teen or childThat this sin against God fries the brain
Mother Temp
Mother TempAs I wander through my mind of memoriesOne special lady comes to my mindThis kind lady that the word love definesWho in my growing years was so kind to me She has taken me from home to homeThrough my childhood in life to roamWiping away my face to dry my tearsFreeing me of all doubts and fearsStanding tall watching allOf God’s children so tender and smallA thankless duty but never to askFavors for her any of her life long tasksNumberless families she did aideA gift of her God she was gave Dear Lady of my young lifeI thank you for the protection from all strifeDedicated to Mrs. Lennihan
NanaI see the twinkle in her eyes Like the starry-decked canopy of nights skyA smile always upon her faceNever a moment of doubt to traceGiving her love to us allNever letting any weariness fallHolding strong to her convictionsTo any of life’s untimely predictionsCaring for all through passing yearsCasting out all doubts and fearsGuiding and teaching all that was rightForever keeping us within her sight“Nana” this day may be just of oneBut for us it has just begunWe love you and thank youFor these moments in our minds viewHappy Grandparents Day
Past Present Future
Past Present FutureThoughts of mind for my fellow beingInspirations of my life worthwhile seeingFaith in my God from body and soulCombined together with Heavens glowThe love of my wife and family withinDenying of all earthly sinsLove that is bonded in the promise of GodAs we tread our tasks on his earthly sodSharing with nature and its beauty of viewThe scent of Heaven combined with earthly dewThese are the gifts we are able to shareUnder God’s watchful eye and tender careThe age I soon am , the youth of my heartThese feelings in my soul I want never to partThe Temple of my being in inner soulThe beauty of age as before me it unfoldsFor we are not to question what is to beWe must live our life to the fullest for theeWhen my time comes that I will at last see God’s faceMay he accept my soul as my eternal home I will embrace
Patriots Day Greetin
Patriot’s Day GreetingBy Peter A. Todd 4/10/02At this time we reflect upon memories pastOf loved ones ascended to Heaven aboveBringing to our eyes hidden tears castFrom the fond memory of those they lovedBut’ Like the tears the rain must fallThat the flowers will begin to growAbove earth’s clouds is viewed rainbow tall With its colors fresh upon the sunlight’s glowA day to remember the many women and menWho fought and sacrificed to keep us freeA time to seek out old friends To salute with pride those soldiers who died for libertyAs the day is darkened and the Sun sets westMay we take heed to a timeless dreamThat for every woman and man we’ll do our bestTo end the echo’s of terror and its deathly screams
PicturesWith clouded mind I look uponThese beautiful pictures in my roomI search my heart for names long goneReflecting upon the whiteness of the moonThe mother I grew to know the other of my seedBoth of them by the grace of God I lovedThe aching in my heart of their love I needThrough them I renew my Faith in God aboveSo many pictures of my passing lifeSuch as the children of my bloods seedThe Heaven blessed picture of my wifeShe is the right hand of my every conquered deedPictures of sister’s brothers, nephews and niecesMy granddaughter I love to piecesThese are the miracles of God given gracesI will never loose them of my possessionWhile I traverse my path under God’s watchful eyes
Question’sWe question in prayer why it was to be That such a horrific act took place Were we not as Americans born freeA country that has held glory and honor greatWho is to blame for the taking of live,sIs it the ignorance of many demonic mindsThat caused the loss of families husbands and wivesFrom a so called religious sect gone blindAmerica must always stand readyTo face each of life’s rugged roadsWe must hold to our Faith’s strong and steadyFor the burden to carry is a heavy loadYes! We can be proud of our Old GloryBut! The gift of our creator must never be denied This is our heritage from times storyUnited as we are Victory is nigh
Tears of Hope
Tears of Hope
I cry for the children who reach out in vain
For words of endearment they once had gained
For were they not little precious bundles of joy
Now it seems in their presence they annoy
Mothers and Fathers drifting apart
From the solemn vows they pledged of the heart
Slaps and curses have replaced the caress
From the daily routine of creative stress
We cry for the love to return to these souls
So the future of these children they can nurture and mold
So they can reach out to the enrichment of life
To have pride in themselves and a path that is right
I pray dear lord that you wipe away the tears
Of these adults and children who have lived in fear
Let the power of your love abide in these hearts
In this new journey free of violence they now embark
The Closet
The ClosetThis dream I dream is from the pastOf my punishment of doing wrongFrom the years of my youth in darkness castThose many lonely hours longIn my prison I could hear my heart beatEven through the tears I so often shedMy pounding at the door to be releasedMy fingers scraped to a bloody redThen listening to the yelling and screamingFrom those people who were supposed to give me loveYet! through their greed they gave me bad dreamsLike being buried under their feet abovePlease let me out of this cold dark gaveThat I have been forced to stay in for hoursI’ll do as you say and work my wayFor I now know I am your slave under your power.
The Fisherman
The FishermanWatching over our boats night and dayWith his hands at the ships wheelA statue of Faith for the fishermen of todayWith eyes fixed like glistened steelMany a seasons storms have passed bySince he was dedicated on our shoreThrough raging storms and sunlit skiesThe Fisherman has done his choreOur sands of time have taken its tollFrom the great statue of our seasLike the many stories of Noah often toldOur Fisherman sets the spirit within us freeThe words that are etched below his feetSo true to the fishermen in many waysWhen the sands of time are stilled we’ll meetThose we have lost from the oceans grave
The Inner Soul of Po
The Inner Soul of PoetryBy Peter A. Todd 4/03/03Words are but simple thoughtsUnless they are born of the heart and soulOf money Poetry can’t be boughtIt’s the inner being of my existence unfoldThey can be short like the shutting off lightOr be like a pebble rippling in streamDescribing our fears of the nightOr the passing on of a wonderful dreamIt’s the finality of a loving touchAs two lovers walk along the golden sandOr the walking trails in woodland roughJoined in grace by the touch of God’s handPoetry is like the whispering windsThat cleanses the path of lifeIt’s free of any violence or sinsIt’s the reflection of Heavens lightSo my inner being is the reality of faithThat my heritage passed into my soulTruly the words of the heart are of God’s graceIt’s the reflection of our Savior to soon unfold
Upon the Shoulders o
Upon the Shoulders of FaithBy Noble & Brother Peter A. Todd 02/27/2004
Standing proud with outstretched arms
He reaches out to provide for the girls and boys
Telling them to have no fear of any harm
As he gives them each a special toy
Comforting them of the pain in their bodies
As they settle them into the Shriner’s vans seat
Carrying them into the Shriner Hospital lobby
With their nurses and doctors to greet
This is the pride and reward that Shriner’s live
To give new hope to every patient they see
It is the challenge for every Shriner to give
Each a complete and successful recovery
The road of recovery must be fast
It is made smoother by the Transportation Fund
It could be a Van, Airplane , Train or Jet Flight cast
That performs this journey of angels begun
SecretsWords whispered in silenceMotions timelessly madeWalking in various circled dimensionsHistory’s parchment revered and gaveThe redness in the eyes searching in vainWanting the cries to end that never perishTo be gathered in my soul and wanedSecrets never ending words that quickly flashBefore my mind and open earsVisions of my Heritage of years pastBy nights dreamed horrified and fearedNow walking upon my level of timeEncircled by passions and desiresDrenched with those secrets of mindThat within my heart and soul inquiresFor now I need not to askThe secrets have been revealedIn glory I absorb nourish and baskIn these promises of life sealed
Night Fright
Night Fright2/27/88I look back as if it were just yesterdayFor that night will never be erased from my mindThe vehicle that was headed straight for us As if its driver had just become blindIt smashed into us with tremendous impactSo much it tore and imbedded our skinTo the metal of the dashboard in fact Of our vehicle we were heading to home inBut that was the least of our sorrowsAs I now tried to now burst open the doorsIn my mind I asked will there be a tomorrow?For the family I so loved and adoredMy wife her face now covered with blood and glassWho in their right mind could do such a sin?The answers were not far to be found in factFrom the condition the other driver was inThe driver had no concern for my family maimedAll that he wanted was the bottle withinTo escape the trouble that he was now in So ! You might say to yourself ,What do I care?Such an event could never happen to meMy Friends you should always be awareWhat is around the next corner or beyond the next treeThe DRUNKEN DRIVER has no BRAINSIt has been consumed by all they drankSo if you go out I hope you will refrainYou will have your loved ones thanksIt does not matter the time of yearOr whether it be day or nightEven if your home is far or nearYou must keep your mind of clear sightHave a safe and prosperous New YearNot a time of unwanted pain and fright
Nightmare or Truth
Nightmare or TruthBy Peter A. Todd 3/21/2003It was a cold winters night and all was stillI can see it clearly but it seems to be a dreamI’m out with the guys with good time to kill In my head are deafening screamsI volunteered to drive as I only drank a fewOr in truth could it have been threeWho’s counting were just out for a good timeIf only these sounds in my head would leave meIt’s beginning to get real hazy and coldThe streets seem to be turning to iceBut I am a good driver in full controlI’m known as a friend to be trusted and brightI believe we left the last bar nine or tenWho really cares were just out for funThis were having with my drinks I begin to blendOh! My God what’s that blurred figure before meIt’s a mother and child crossing the streetPlease help me I’m so dizzy I can’t seeTo even put on the brake with my feetBut it’s to late they are gone from sightDam! All I can hear is their deathly screamsWho do they think they are out at this time of the night?Maybe this is just a foolish bad dreamWell things are quite now my friends are back with meBut tell me Lord why from their lips are there no sounds I now lay at peace with these flowers circling free As they lower my casket into the groundWait! in the corner above my grave I see a young father staring at meWhy does he look with such hatred in his eyesI was just out with guys for a good time I’ve craved IS THIS WHAT LIES AHEAD IN HELL FOR ALL ETERNITY
My Cross to wear My
“My Cross to wear My Faith I share”By Peter A. Todd 09/02/03Proudly we wave old glory in viewShowing our support for the women and menWho have chosen to fight for freedom renewedIn the challenge of the cry for this war to endThere is another emblem we all should wearThat of the Cross on which Jesus diedDid he not die with our own sins to bareThat we may be given life on his sod to abideIn Praise of Jesus wear the cross of FaithThat all God’s children should shareIt represents all in Jesus name so greatHis guiding Love and tender careWithin the believer’s soul a vision livesThat reaches the heart of all that beatsIt is through our Cross of Faith we giveThe promise in Jesus name for all sins to defeat
The Stone Mason
The Stone MasonThe stone mason works with natural stoneAs he chips away at each and every partIn his craft he never stands aloneFor his work is considered a piece of artHis hands may be rough and fingers tips tornYet he shapes and molds stone like a clump of clayHis cloth’s may be shattered and long wornBut his work is of God’s guidance todayIn years past stone mason’s worked the quarry’sSo they could for their family provideIn those days there were families that worriedFor through the rocky mist many of the craft have diedSo when you look upon the statue with aweRemember, it was made by men of the craftWho were dedicated to what they built and all you sawLet the heritage of the Stone Mason be in your memory cast